AmmoniaMot2 - Research project with MAN on medium-speed engines

The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK). Same as for Neptun Ship Design, the project includes the same partners from the previous AmmoniaMot project, supplemented by some additionals. Leader of the consortium stays with MAN Energy Solutions, the following industrial partners and research institutions are involved in the project:
- WTZ Roßlau gGmbH,
- Woodward L'Orange GmbH,
- University of Munich (SFM),
- Neptun Ship Design GmbH,
- University of Rostock (LKV),
- GenSys GmbH
- MNR GmbH
Participating in this ambigious project for Neptun Ship Design means both: bring in fundamental knowledge within strong network, but also development on this top level technology. This way we can serve first hand information and technolgy for our customers.